Thursday, December 11, 2014

Still thinking of a title...

Inspired by Predestination, a retarded writer, who is me, came up with a story of love and paradox and retardation. I recommend you read this story for your kids before sleeping. It will blow their minds. The story begins after the *beep*


Long long time ago, before the first human appeared on Earth, the jungles of the world are a perfect environment for apes and monkeys, even there is no human to classify which one is ape and which one is monkey yet. The apes and the monkeys live together in harmony, love and wealth of the peaceful green world. However, the love is not for everyone, as proven by the lonely life of an ugly female monkey-ape, who represents no resemble to any of the apes or monkeys. The ape society abandoned her, while the monkey community did not want her either. She lived inside a lonely cave, in a lonely big rock, all by herself, hoping for one day, a regular male monkey or ape would place his eyes on her, and give her a family she had always wanted, and the monkey kids that she always wished for. Sadly, even for the standard of the ape, or the monkey, she is still too ugly for her dream to come true. Day by day, she looked out side of the cave, waiting for the moment of her life, but still, she never expected such moment would come....

Until that fateful day. She heard a loud weird sound just outside of her rock, which woke up her curiosity. The instinct told her to stay in the cave and be safe, but there is something else in her heart whisper to the ears, pushed her shy feet out to where the sound came from. That was the moment she met him, another weird looking monkey-ape. The man ape is hairless, walks only on his two legs and wears weird looking things on his body. To be honest, he is also too ugly even for the standard of a society-abandoned female monkey-ape, but there must be a special reason for him to be here, with her.

Unlike the other apes and monkeys, he did not leave her. He adopted the cave as his home, and share his food with her. He taught her how to make fire from a stick and a log, how to catch fish on the river with traps, and most importantly, how to speak his tongue. He talked about the future, the stars and the universe, or the adventures she has never heard of before. His eyes were sometime filled with tears of an emotion she could not understand, but it melted her heart in a way that she never felt before. She fell in love with him, and they had a total of three children. The ones that were born first are a twin, whose names are Adam and Eva, looks like no ape or monkey their mother has seen in her entire life. They do not have hair on their body, and are as ugly as a pair of naked mole-rats. The third kid came several years later, when Adam and Eva started to walk on their feet, just like their father. He resembles much of his father's look, and his mother's eyes, which means that he is also very ugly in the standard of the apes and monkeys. His name is Paul. Despite of the ugly kids, their mother was still the happiest monkey-ape in the world, for now her dream had came true.

But there was still something wrong about that. The kids couldn't pull her off from the thought that their father did not want them. She always remembers the moment he looked at his kids for the first times, with disgust in his eyes. She feared that one day, he will leave her alone again, just like the others.

Her fear came true on a rainy day. She was going out to collect some coconuts for her kids, and when she came back, her beloved man had gone with the newborn Paul. She cried like a mad ape, looked for every corner, bushes around her home, but found nothing. They had gone forever, leaving the poor female monkey-ape in the loneliest place on earth. Her only light was Adam and Eva, as they grew up fast to be her joy once again, helped her to forget about the unfaithful man of her life.

Adam and Eva grew up, and had their children (Incest was not a moral matter during the early days of humanity, so don't judge). The children then had their own children again. Humanity grew up and populated the green world against all odd, eventually forgot about the lonely unknown grave of their great great great grandmother who was still waiting for her love to come back...

Many millenniums passed by, no one know a about the female monkey-ape that was the first transition between the ape and human. People only believe in Darwin's theory of evolution or some Creationist's beliefs of Adam and Eva - the firsts of human. Science tried hard to prove them right, or wrong, but without the actual observation, even the best known artifacts of the old world can only make the beliefs slightly more convincing to people. Theories are always theories without an actual proof. Evolution, the origin of mankind became the biggest question for scientists all over the world. People continues to try various ways to observe the past, but none of those has actually giving a reliable proof of human origin, until the birth of an unbeatable feat of science during the 21st century: the Time Machine.

The Time Machine was invented by Paul Tontar, an 21 years old MIT physic student came from Idaho, under the direct fund from U.S government. The skeptical scientific community criticized it as the most laughable joke ever, while the first black president of the U.S stated it as the first enormous achievement of humanity since Neil Armstrong stepped the first step on the moon surface. However, the complement of the president did not enough to fill a gap in Paul's heart. He always wants the approval of the science community, and their recognition...

His ambition grew up fast, and came up with a plan to, once for all, finally answer the biggest question of mankind using his Time Machine. He would travel to the past, meet Adam and Eva, record their daily life and come back with all the proof. The plan sounded so perfect that poor Paul got too excited and started it as soon as the time machine was ready, not knowing that it was still under testing.

Paul started the machine, and flied back to the time which most scientists believe is the first human appeared, base on archaeological facts. However, his time machine got a problem, and instead, it flied back to several years before that. When it landed on a big rock, the engine blew up badly, making a loud weird sound. There was no other choice, Paul had to stay here until he can finally fix the machine to go back to his time.

Fate is like a mysterious teenage girl, she likes to have some unexpected wisdom of her own, that nobody would understand fully. On the first day fixing his vessel, Paul met a shy ape that came to offer her help. The ape looked really weird, unlike any modern ape or monkey he has seen before in any zoo. Somehow she also remind him of someone he can not recall. She was living in a cave under the rock his machine landed on, and that seems to be a safe place to live. In this era, there are many unexpected things that lurk in the dark, or in the jungles, therefore, Paul decided to live inside the cave.

The ape seemed to be very smart, and she somehow was attached to him. Paul took his free time to teach her how to make fire from a stick and a log, how to catch fish on the river with traps, and to his surprise, she also learned how to speak English, but not much. They slept together under the cover of the big rock, beside a campfire. At first, it was all innocent, but then it did not last long enough. The ugly nerd boy who has never had a girlfriend in college somehow feel affection from this female ape. There was no one there to judge him, and his biology teacher in high school taught him that two different species can not produce offspring, so there was nothing to actually hold him back from what he did...

Nine months later, the female ape gave birth to a twin boy and girl, and they look just like him, much to Paul's depression. Apparently, that biology teacher was a jerk, and now Paul is suffering from his own karma. But the kids cannot just be born with no name, so Paul decided to name them after his mission, to find Adam an Eva. Feeling guilty for what he had done, Paul had more motivation to fix the time machine, so he can bring his kids back to the future to avoid a massive impact on the history of mankind. It took him nearly two years later to fix it, and during that period, another boy was born. Frustrated by the kids, Paul could not think straight for another name anymore, so he named the boy after himself and gave the boy his dog tag...

When the vessel is finished, the poor Paul suddenly realized that there is not enough space for all three of his children. He can only bring one with him back, and that kid should be the small Paul since Adam and Eva are big enough to survive this world on their own for sometime until Paul can come back to get them. He told the female ape to go out to the nearest beach and get some coconuts for their children, so he had time to prepare for the launch. Sitting safe and sound inside his machine with the child on his arm, Paul inputted the parameter of time to go back to the 21st century - his righteous time, leaving all of these past behind.

Then again, fate - the mysterious teenage girl - decided to give his life another challenge for unknown reason. The time machine was too badly damaged during the first crash to work as Paul wanted. Instead of travelling back to the year Paul had left, it flied to 21 years before that event and landed on the land of Idaho. Paul quickly realized that this was the place where he was born. Suddenly, he felt curious about how he looked like when he was a newborn. Paul decided to walk to the local hospital to take a peep at himself.

On his way to the hospital, a gang noticed him, who is now looked like a dirty hobo after all those years living in the prehistoric era. They decided to bully Paul for entertainment. Paul quickly realize the danger from them from afar, knowing that he has no chance to fight against those muscled people and it is hard to protect his kid from them. Out of panic, he decided to hide his newborn Paul in a nearby bush and run as fast as possible. The gang chased him, and eventually caught the now thin-and-weak Paul. They beat him up badly for running from them, and striped all of his tattered clothes, cut off his testicle before throwing him into a river.

Poor Paul was badly injured and unconscious, floated to an US military base two days later. He was beaten up to the point that nobody can recognize him as a human anymore. The soldiers brought him up from the river and transport him to a secret government research facility called Area 51, thinking that he is an injured ape that can be used in various military experiments. The scientists there had developed many most advanced breakthrough technologies and now they are working on a race/sex changing project that could eventually give them an insight of how evolution worked. Paul, who was believed to be a badly deformed ape that has no testicle, is the perfect guinea pig for such a project. The scientist decided to wipe his memory, then experiment a novel biological sex changing technique on him, to transform him into an ape while he was still unconscious. The experimentation was half successful. It changed Paul in to a female creature, but not entirely ape because of his human DNA resisted. He now had hair all over his body like an ape, but had the look of a deformed human.

The female ape Paul woke up, terrified by his new appearance. From now on, he can not stand proudly during a peeing section anymore. However, he/she still had most of his/her memory since the mind-washing serum must takes 24 hours to fully impact the brain. The scientists were also terrified after realizing their mistake, but as everything else in Area 51, they could not let Paul go and tell their secret. Paul had to made his/her own plan to escape, and find out that somehow the people in this facility also discovered his time machine and transported it here, believing that it is a future technology that need to be studied.

Paul took that chance to sneak in the vessel, just to realized that it had been fixed to a perfect condition by the current era scientists. He/she configured the parameter, decided his next destination while the pain in his/her heart was still overwhelming him/her. Paul knew that he/she cannot go back to the civilized world anymore, in this horrible appearance. People might think that he/she is a Big Foot, and his/her head might as well be hanged on the wall of of redneck hunter soon. So he/she decided to go back to the past, to live with the apes and monkeys, because Paul is one of them now.

Paul pressed the start button, the machine floated up and disappear into thin air in front of a frustrated scientist, who has never believe in time traveling before. His/her machine reappeared in a jungle long before the dawn of humankind. Paul jumped out of it after setting the self-destruct unit. She never wanted to go back anymore, all the past must be placed behind...

The machine exploded, erased itself from existence, so is Paul's memory. Twenty four hours had passed, the serum took over her mind, she is now a weird looking ape in the middle of the jungle, being judged by the other apes. They had never seen any ape that is so ugly according to their ape standard before. The ape threw the poor Paul out of their territory, believing she is a monkey, and deserve to live with the monkeys.

However, when Paul went to the monkeys place, they were freaked out of her appearance and ran away from her. Having no choice, the ugly female monkey-ape Paul now has to stay far away from the "others". She always wanted to join them, to be one of them, and her XX-ape DNA part in her always wanted to be a mother, to be loved by another male monkey or ape. Every time she saw a little monkey raised up in the arm of its mom, her heart died a a little bit. After months of suffering from the alienation of the monkey society and the ape community, she decided to move out to a place far away, just to forget about everything... She packed up some bananas, some coconuts and a stick then went on a long journey to the unknown land ahead. After countless days of walking, when the bananas and coconuts ran out, the ugly female monkey-ape finally found a big rock, with a cozy and safe cave under it. She decided to stay there for the rest of her life, to avoid the scene of happy monkey and ape families that ripped her heart off everyday. However, she had never gave up hope on the moment a male ape or monkey would come and accept her.

Until a fateful day, when she heard a weird loud sound on top of the big rock...


Lets go back to the early years of 21st century, where a shocked scientist just observed a time machine controlled by an ape-woman disappeared in thin air right in front of him. His name is Mercury Tontar. That was also the very day that the head of the facility fired him for his fantasy report of a monkey controlled time machine. Doctor Tontar drove back to his house, depressed. He knows that the time machine exist, but nobody would believe him, and he just lost his job because of that. The only person that could cheer him up now is his wife and his newly adopted son. Some days ago, Doctor Tontar and his wife were driving back home from the local hospital, with an infertility result on the test for each of them. His wife cried a lot a long the way home, but then they suddenly heard a cry, a baby cry to be specific. They stopped the car, walked out and found a newborn baby in a nearby bush. The boy had a dog tag on his neck, saying "Paul". While feeling angry for such scumbag parents who left their child in a place like this to die, they also think that this could be a miracle for them. Fate - the mysterious teenage girl - brought them together on a fateful day for an unknown reason again...

Doctor Tontar kept his adopted son name and add "Tontar" after "Paul". Paul Tontar was never told that he was, in fact, adopted. His parents do not want the past to bother him. Doctor Tontar taught his son everything he knows about physic, and always told him that time travelling is real. Paul grew up with the believe that one day, humanity will make a time machine that can travel back to the past, and maybe even him can make such machine become an actual thing. At the age of 18, Paul finished high school with highest scores, and much to his family joy, he got an admission letter from MIT. Paul has never had a girl friend because he is quite ugly, but his grades were always top of the classes.

One day, the young scientists at Area 51 decided to review of the past files about the accident with the ape-woman and the time machine. During their assertion with the collected data, some amazing results came in to the surface. They immediately contact Doctor Tontar about his report, since he is the only person who directly observed that event. The government want to invite him into the project of developing time travelling vessel, so they can come back to the past to study the history. However, Doctor Tontar is now having a brain tumor, and he is done for good. There is nothing current technologies can do to help him anymore. His last words to the young scientists were "I told my son, Paul, everything. Find him, and ask him for help."

Several years later, the 21 years old Paul Tontar finished the time machine in honor of his father wish, much to the shock of the scientists community outside of Area 51.

-The END-

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