Friday, December 19, 2014

The Fairy Little Dragon


The Fairy Little Dragon

Lenny is so shocked his jaw was almost dropped. The small figure turns out to be Old Fart in its Fire form when it was jumping in front of the fireball. Old Fart quickly caught the ball and swallowed it. A moment later, its flaming fur suddenly bursts violently in a second, burns all the ground surround it, then comes back to normal as fast as when it bursts out. The dog seems fine, as fire never bothers him anyway.

Lenny's heart almost fell out when he saw Old Fart swallow that fireball. He thought the spell would blow the dog into bits, but now he feels a little relief. It now is running toward Lenny as excited as normal, sniffing his shoes.

"What are you doing here boy. You almost killed me, you know?" Lenny says to the dog, while stroking its fur.

"No, not you, but me. You almost killed me, young magician." A familiar voice raised from where Old Fart appeared.

The grandma slowly walks out of the fog, smiling. That instantly made Lenny feel bad about himself. He was not prepared for such a situation, when one of his fireball almost hurt someone.

Seeing the freaked out face of his, the grandma laugh out loud. "Ha ha, Don't worry young man, Old Fart would take out any danger before it can reach me, and he did."

Before Lenny can respond to her, his book jumps ahead him and raises its voice.


"Mely. I am Mely now. Please address me by that name, dearest Dary." The grandma does not let it finish the sentence.

"okay, Lady Mely. It has been 561 years, isn't it? I missed you sooo muchhh". The book fly around the old woman like it is dancing on air, with rainbow colored light streaks left behind it paths and a fun song is played out of nowhere. It makes everyone wants to dance along with the book.

"Yes, it was truly a long time, friend. You also changed your appearance to the point I could not recognize you in the first place." The grandma slightly shake her body follow the beats.

"Oh yeah, you know about that old rule, lady Mely. And not just me, look at you, you changed so much. Where the most beautiful face humanity ever had gone now?"

"Ha ha, you never failed to make me laugh, Dary. You know, time is harder on some people than others. I am old now."

While the book is about to say more, Lenny, who is currently confused, decides to interrupt them.

"Hey wait, you knew each other before?"

"Yes, we totally did. Lady Mely has been my most talented student for a long time until you. Right?" It turns to the grandma.

"Well, I can't say anything about being the most talented student, but Dararia is truly a great teacher and a great friend. I am glad that she is giving you your lessons of magic now." says the grandma to Lenny.

"I can agree with the great teacher part.", he smirks.

"Oh, how dare you, Master Lennard. I am a very cool friend. You can ask Lady Mely, we threw hella lot of parties together not so long ago..." The book acts high and mighty.

"Even me can tell 500 years is a very long time, old bookie." Lenny starts to give the book a name.

"UGRRRR, I want to beat you so bad. Show some respects to you teacher, you ungrateful young people." Dararia actually hisses out loud.

"Alright alright", Grandma Mely decides to stop both of them before it gets worse, "Lets go inside the house, we will have a lot of things to tell each other tonight."

"But it is not even dark yet" Lenny argues.

"It will be soon, young man. You also burned down half of the forest today already. I think the other half can wait until tomorrow."

Lenny has no reason to oppose to that, rethinking of all the things he has done today. Also, the warm smile of an old grandma can be very persuasive.

They came back inside the house, where Grandma Mely prepares for them a hot meal. The dog doesn't seem to care much about anything except the food as usual. Dararia puts herself on the table and talks a lot about her glory past with "Lady Mely". From their stories together, Lenny now knows that the grandma used to be a well known party doers before she decided to have a career in politic. She also had another name but whenever he tried to ask what it is, both the grandma and the book tried to avoided the question. The book once mentioned that they had 50 years together, to which he was impressed. For a normal person, 50 years is pretty much the entire life of that person, but for people in this realm, it seems like just the blink of an eye. Then they started to talk about the rules.

"So, you said that there is a rule that change you appearance since the last time you met grandma. What is it?"

"Oh, now you mentioned it. I forgot to tell you about a set of rule for magic companions like me and masters like you or Lady Mely." It stops a second like it is trying to recall something then continues.

"These rules are: 1. You can only be my master of a magic companion once in your life. It is like a contract, if for any reason, the contract is broken, you can never be my master again."

"2. The magic companions have to change their appearance after the last master, for the new master. That means I will never look the same twice for eternity. This is for letting go of the past and starting a new future. However, I still can change my appearance to anything with the approval of my current master, except the old appearances."

"3. The magic companions have to be loyal to their masters, and always prepare to protect them at any cost. That is all three of them." says the book.

"Okay, so now, if I command you to turn yourself into a smaller notebook, can you do that?"

"Why? If I don't want to, I don't do that. I hate being a notebook. Notebooks suck!"

"She used to take the form of a fairy when she was with me", the grandma tells Lenny.

"A fairy? I thought she is a book!"

"Not really, the books are the basic form of magic companions. That is why they are called magic book, however, most of the masters choose to have them transform into a thing they like. I love fairies, so Dararia changed into a fairy. She was pretty too."

"Thank you, lady Mely. If I have a face now, my cheeks would probably brush to that complement."

"Alright, I don't like an old book lecturing me either, so why don't we change you into something else?" Lenny says.

"Whatever you say, but remember, I can never be a pretty fairy again."

"Then what do you want to be?"

"I don't know. Recently, I found out that I would want to be something small, agile and powerful if I can't be pretty, so every time a kid laugh at me, I will scare him until he shits his pant."

"eww, that's a bit too extreme, don't you think? But I like chameleon, saw one in my dreams. They can change color and is very cool."

"WHAT? me? being your pet chameleon? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? No way I would turn myself into such a deformed thing"

"Calm down. Okay, I don't have much memory of my world, so I don't think i can suggest you anything better. Maybe you should stay being an old bookie as you are" He smirks, again.

"Alright alright. Cool, then I will be a small dragon, that can change color. See? it is still a reptile, still can change color, but can fly, can breath fire and is way more awesome."

Grandma Mely listens to that and immediately approve "I think that is a good idea. Dragon is this year theme too. There will be a dragon hordes flying from the north to the south in 110 days. They change their locations between the north and the south every 100 years to mate. Also, they will fly through this land we are living on too."

"Okay, if grandma said so then you can be a dragon. I give you my approval, old bookie."

"Don't call me old bookie anymore!! That name sucks!", Dararia says, and starts to shuttle her pages on the talbe.

The gem on her cover begins to glow yellow, and every pages also begins to glow yellow too. It gets brighter and brighter every moments until it becomes too bright for any one to look directly at it. Lenny has to cover his eyes with one hand because of the light.

Then the yellow light goes out, give back the normal level of brightness to the room.

"Done! Look at me young Master and old Master! I am a fearsome dragon now, roarrr", Dararia tells them to open their eyes.

What is above the dinner table now is not an old dusty book anymore. Instead, there is a small green dragon sitting on a flower that came out from nowhere. Its wings looks like the wings of a butterfly but more transparent and is a bit purple. There is a glowing ambient light bulb hanging on its tail, emitting fairies light. It looks cute and is staring at Lenny.

"How do you think, Master Lennard?"

"Uhm, I don't know. I...expected you to be a little bit more"

"Awww, you looks still like a fairy. So you are a fairy dragon now?" The grandma gives her compliment.

"Yeah, I kind of like this appearance. And I won't change into anything else anymore. I am fearsome enough, yeah yeah." The fairy-dragon is now praising herself.

"Alright then, it is still better than that bookie looks." Lenny sighs. He does not want to bother about this childish stuff anymore.

But Old Fart doesn't think so. It seems to be excited to see another guest in the house, as it stops pushing its head into the food bowl and start to jump around, chasing the little fairy dragon.

"Wait, bad dog. bad dog." The little dragon fly around avoiding the dog mouth. "not my tail, bad dog, bad dog." The duo together running/flying around in a comical situation that makes Lenny and the grandma burst out of laughter. Lenny has never felt so happy like this before since he woke up and realized that he forgot everything about his past.

The night ends soon. Lenny help the grandma to clean the dishes before going to sleep. After spending a lot of magic aura today, he feel a little bit sleepy.

<To be continued>

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