Saturday, November 15, 2014



Old Fart turns back into its husky form before running through the door. It sits just next to its bowl and wait for its food from the grandma. Lenny comes in to help her prepare the table.The food is good but they make him feel like he has tasted this flavor before.

"Wow,  this soup is very delicious. Grandma Mely. I think I have eaten this kind of food in the past, just can't remember where and when right now. " Says Lenny.

"That is not possible young boy." She smiles to him.

"Why not? What's wrong with it?"

"Because your army has never been able to advance this far into the mainland. While the flowers I used to make this soup only grow in this area."

"Must be my imagination then."

They continue eating and talk. Lenny tell her about the glowing blossom underwater and asks her about the meaning of his new mark, to which she says she does not know, and he must find out the answer by himself. They then talk about Old Fart and its incredible feats today. They share compliments to the dog but it seems like it care more about the food in its bowl than the human's story. Every ten minutes, it brings the bowl back and push it into the grandma legs to ask for more. Lenny does not fall too far behind the dog's demand though as he constantly empty his dishes. He feels like he has not eaten anything for ages. Soon enough, the two finished eating everything grandma Mely has to offer them.

Dararia - God of Knowledge

After the dinner, the grandma tells him to go sleep since he is still weak after a "long slumber". Although he does not understand what she means by "long slumber", he agrees that his muscles are still tired and a rest is necessary. Old Fart seems to be tired too, as it fell sleep on the floor peacefully before anyone can notice. Lenny goes back to his room after saying good night to the grandma.

As he closes the door, Lenny notices the magic book is already there on the table. "Must be grandma Mely. She must brought it here.". he thinks. Deciding look at it later, Lenny blows out the candle and jumps on the bed. However, he can not sleep that easily.

In the dark, the petal mark on his palm started to glow, so is the book on the table. Both of them glow purple light and immediately catch his attention. Lenny walks out of his bed, and move closer to the book. As he get closer, the book glows stronger like it is reacting to the petal mark. Lenny takes it to the bed to investigate further. Turn out, not the entire book is glowing, it is just the stone in front of it that emits light. He touch the stone with his marked hand, and a stream of purple light slowly move from the mark to it. Now, in front of Lenny, the book opens itself.

He turns the pages repeatedly, but there is nothing to read. The entire book is blank. However, there is a quill at the last page. It is a red feather quill that looks like it is burning at the tip. Lenny picks it up to get a closer look of the tip. What he did not expect is that when the quill was taken out, from its tip, a red line is produced in the air. The red line glows in darkness for a second then disappears. Fascinated by a pen that can write on air, Lenny hovers it aimlessly to create multiple shapes and size around him. They all are dissolved after a second.

An idea comes to his mind, as Lenny writes "hi" on the air. Suddenly, the book moves by itself. It starts to shuttle the pages and then stop at one random page. On that page, there is a line, saying: "Hello my new master, how can this servant serve you?"

This surprises Lenny, because he was very sure that he checked every pages and there was not any thing written in them. He then goes into a conclusion that this quill can help him to communicate with the book.

"What are you?" he writes.

The book shuttles itself again, and opens another pages.

"I am Dararia - the Book of Knowledge. I can answer any of your question if it is related to the knowledge of this world."

"Okay then, who am I?"

"Your name is Leonard Alexander - 24 years old. You are not supposed to be existed in this world."

That answer greatly disturbs Lenny, why did it say he is not supposed to be existed?

"What do you mean by that?", he writes his thought out.

"You did not come into this world by a normal way. I cannot obtain the knowledge of your father and mother. You are not a result of sexual reproduction."

"Where did I come from?"

This time, the book shuttle for a longer time than usual, and when it stops, it says:
"Sorry master, the answer you are seeking is outside of my knowledge. Please ask me another question."

Irritated, Lenny throws the book to the corner. Now, not even a magic book of knowledge knows who he is. He is in no mood for any other question, so he decides to sleep.

<To be continues>

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