Sunday, November 30, 2014



The book might be right, or might trying to make up a story to deceive him. However, he does not have any clue what is the truth anyway, so a fake story and a true story is just the same for now. More than that, the grandma told him to read this book, and he trusts her.

Lenny decides to open it again and continue reading, but the pages are all blank now. He picks up the quill and asks it,

"Hey, where are all the pages with explanation about magic?"

The book shuttles, faster than usual.

"I have a feeling that you don't believe my knowledge, it hurts me so I erased all of them."

"Come on. You know that those things are too much for my brain to absorb in such a short period, right?"

"Kidding. Muah hahahah (Does it sound evil yet?). I figured it out so I think I will just give you the magic instruction and explain more on the way. We still have plenty of time before the Dark Age."

"Ok, give me the instruction, also give me a short explanation of the Dark Age."

"The Dark Age is a two thousands years old prophecy of the great god of Knowledge, Dararie - who also happens to be the famous No-Bell winning Magi Theorist I told you earlier. Basically, it foresee that 1 year after a great invasion from the other world, the sky will turn dark and Chaos will destroy everything. Everyone will die, not including me, I am not a living thing. Muah hahahah. I will watch you all die ........................................................................................................................................... ................................................ Just kidding, I also don't want it to happen."

To be honest, Lenny feels nothing from that piece of information. The world is going to end? That does not matter to him, since he does not feel like he belongs to it any more.

"So what? I don't care.", he writes.

"You will care, because in the prophecy, several neo-gods will appear and kill Chaos, bring balance back to the worlds, the chance is 50/50. When I looks around, there are not that many neo-gods available to my knowledge, and one of them is you, young master."

"What the hell is a neo-god? I am just a regular soldier from the Light Half. I didn't even know there is magic in my past life."

"Neo is new, neo-gods are new gods, after the old ones left this world ages ago. You are a neo-god, it is in your vein. Remember I told you that you have the ability to absorb magic that is equal to a god?"

"In my vein? I don't understand."

"Oh I forgot to tell you that you are a descendant of the old ones. I found blood of Dea - God of Hell, Vulcan - God of Fire, Repun Kamui - God of the vast Ocean in your vein, a long with your human part. There must be some relations between your family members with them, and it could be thousands of years ago."

"Then how did I land on the Light Half?"

"Who knows? My information about that was erased. But there are many occasions that people from the two halves travel back and fort."

"You told me there are more than just me. I think if I can ask the others about their origin, I may find my own answer."

"That's a good idea, you are smart, my young master. I am afraid that I only know Miss Selene of Skythea as another neo-god. Some one has erased most of my knowledge about the neo-gods. May be it was for their safety. Our only clue is Miss Selene. As I told you, she is pretty, I think you two could make a good couple."

"Don't try to mess with me, Dararia. I don't care about her, my only question is the origin of my existence."

"Alright, then as you wish, master. I will teach you your first spell: globusignis - fireball"

The book then floats in front of Lenny while he is reading the word "globusignis" in his mind. Two streams of red light come out of the word and gently land on his forehead, entering it. He can feel a chill down his spine, but it is not fear. It feels like a river of energy flow through every cells inside him, warmly and strangely.

The book shuttles itself again as soon as the red lights faded off, a new instruction appeared,

"Lets go outside and burn some stuff, master."

Even with many doubts are still residing in his mind, Lenny picks up the magic book and goes out. There is nothing in sign, except some trees tip out of the ground fog. Then the book floats again on its own, giving new instruction,

"Now, master, please point your fingers toward anywhere you want to test the spell, concentrate and think of fire or something burning, then shout globusignis out loud. Don't point at the house though, I hate rain and still need something to cover my papers from being wet."

Lenny does as the book said, doubtfully. He points his fingers toward a random direction in the fog, and start to think. The first burning object that comes to his mind is Old Fart, of course. At the top of his lung, Lenny shouts the magic word, expecting to get a comment from the book of how stupid he looks like and why does he believe in such an idiotic thing.

Then, the tip of his fingers start to glow red like a hot steel under high temperature, right in front of his panicking eyes. From each finger, a stream of fire rapidly flows toward a ball shaped fireball that is just two inches away from them. The fireball at first was as small as a bean, but then it grows up into the side of an egg in just a mere second and does not stop. He feels like the little fireball is draining his energy out of him, rapidly and if he does not do something fast, all of his life will be dried out. Freaking out, he immediately clenches his hands to stop the fire from coming out. It really stopped the fire like he wanted, but also somehow it also pushed the fireball flying extremely fast toward the direction he pointed to. Flying at the speed of a bullet, the fireball needs less than a blink of an eye to get itself lost inside the thick fog, leaving a trail of black smoke behind. Shortly after, in the place where it landed, a fierce explosion emerges, along with a eardrum-rupturing sound effect. The whole area around it is blasted with an explosive power that is comparable with a small volcano eruption, burn everything down to black ashes. Its also created a wind gust that quickly blow all the fog around it away, revealing a big area of the forest with a newly created meteor crate at its center.

The pressure of the blast made the house behind him shaken violently and freaked Lenny out. However, the shocking stage disappear quickly, leaving the awe left alone. He could not believe in his own eyes anymore. Just a moment ago, he blew away a huge part of the forest with his bare hands and it is so awesome!

Lenny immediately turns around to find the book, which was also blew away in the explosion.

"Where are you Dararia? did you see what I just did? wow, where are you?" He talks to himself out of excitement.

"I am here, Master, hiding behind the door." A woman's voice raises up, stroking the silence.

"Who is that?", Lenny is surprised by the appearance of a new voice.

The book flies out of the door, at the same time, he hears that voice again.

"It is me, Dararia. Apparently, now we can talk."

"Wow, I thought I must use that quill to communicate with you.", says Lenny.

"Yes, that was the past. Now you have just acquired a new power, a power that allows us to communicate via telepathy.", it replies.

"Telepathy? That is so By the way, did you see that explosion?". He does not even try to hide his excitement.

"Yes, I saw it. You are really have potential, master. Not many fire mages can utilize globusignis that well in the first time. You are natural. But do you feel exhausted now?"

"Yeah, I feel a little bit dizzy right now. It was like I used up all of my energy to create that fireball."

"Almost correct, master. You actually used more than half of your Magic Aura in that blast. But don't worry, you will get all of them back in a few minutes. Meanwhile, let us work on your controlling skill.", the book explains.

It then tells Lenny that he can control the amount of magic aura spending in his spell with more practice, so he does not have to use so much energy for each cast next time. Also, it will lower down the damage of the blast. "More control over the spell, more efficient it becomes", said the book.

About half an hour later, Lenny get used to firing balls from just one finger, with minimal damage and smaller explosions. To that progress, the book stated that it was deeply impressed. Other fire mages need at least one month of practice in able to do that feat while Lenny has mastered it in less than thirty minutes and in less than twenty tries.

While being overly hyped with his newly found power, Lenny does not notice some one is running toward the house from the wood. He point his finger toward that direction and prepare to shoot a fireball for the twentieth time. When he releases the fireball flying, a small and quick figure jumps out of the fog, right in the collision course.

<To be continued>

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