Friday, November 21, 2014

The power of the Sea vs the power of Hell

Magic particles

The next day, he wakes up just to find out that it is mid day already and the grandma and Old Fart are not in the house. Having nothing else to do, he decided to open the book again by moving the petal mark near it. The book opened, but this time it shuttle the pages by itself and move to a page that says:

"Good day my Master. Can you please not throwing me like that again? I am old and my spine are are killing me, especially after that throw."

Lenny picks the quill up and start to write.

"Sorry, book. I thought you were just a book."

"Can any regular book also talk to you like me? I am not just a book, I am Dararia - the book of Knowledge. My beautiful body is the result of thousands years of artistic doing."

Reading the text, Lenny sighs sarcastically. He does not know which one bothers him the most now, the problem with his memory, who are his parents, or this egotistical book.

"Okay, I am really sorry for the pain you had to bear, Daria. Honestly I don't know what to do now."

"It is DARARIA, sir. There is a 'RA' between 'DA' and 'RIA'. About your situation, I would highly recommend learning some magic now. Magic is very useful, it may also help you to regain your control over your mind."

"Magic? What did you mean by controlling my mind?"

"Not controlling your mind, sir... You younger generation never bother to read carefully. Back in my days, people actually love to read. Come back to the main idea: There are some spell that can help people regain their lost memories. That is why I think it would be a good thing for you."

"I have no idea about what is magic and spells. But I do want to get my memories back. Who can teach me magic?"

"Of course you don't. There is no magic in the land where you came from. Also, you are a very lucky person to have me as your servant, for I am having the knowledge of all magic in this world and the underworld, except some forbidden spells because my previous master has erased them from me."

"That is nice. Who was your previous master?"

"I don't know. That person erased those kinds of information from me already. I hate it when people do that to me. If I had some hands, I would beat him/her up. Too bad I don't have hands."

"Sorry for that. Also I would like to assure you that I would never do such a thing. Now, can you teach me the spells that can help me to regain memories?"

"I know you won't, young Master. Your personality is too kind to do that. Also I can not teach you those spells yet, because you do not have enough magic aura to perform such spells."

"What is magic aura? How can I obtain enough magic aura to cast those spells?"

The book takes a while to shuttle pages, and when it is done, there are more than one page that has text for Lenny to read.

"Let me explain further to you: Two thousands years ago, a magi theorist had proposed a theory of magic to explain many thing about the magic usage in this world. His name is Dararie - the greatest Bookworm (I can assure you that he is a human, not a worm). He found out that the magic power that some people are using in this world are actually very small particles that also forming everything else, and they are everywhere in this world. To prove his point, he built a 27 kilometers tunnel in the earth and called it: The Magical Particles Accelerator. In that sophisticated artifact, he experimented with many extraordinary magicians and normal people. The result was also very surprising at that time as it also got him a No-Bell award. That was most honorable award for any magi theorist at that time...

Well, about the result: it shows that for people who can utilize magic, those particles are their source of magic and is extremely unstable, while for normal people, those particles are very stable. He concluded that the more unstable particles a person has, the more powerful that person is. So he derived a measurement term for magic level, which he calls it 'Magic Aura'. A person would get more Magic Aura by continuously spending his/her current amount of Magic Aura on spells. When that person does so, his/her body will absorb more unstable particles inside and increase the Magic Aura. More Magic Aura means more powerful spells can be made, because spells consume them. The ability to gain more Magic Aura is varies between people and many other creatures. For example, some can gain extremely amount of Magic Aura and became the Gods, the Lords while some others can feel free to practice their tiny spells for a life time and still can't do anything cool. Also, there are many type of Magic Aura and for a specific race, only one or two type can be absorbed. For example, the races of the underworld can only absorb Fire Aura, while the Sky World races can only absorb Ice and Air Auras. Each type of auras can do some pretty neat big spells of that type. However, there are some other uses of them, like using them to enchant physical power (some human can lift up a mountain or run faster than the speed of sound), or general purpose spells like memory regaining spells. Initially, a magical creature is born with a little Magic Aura, and if it does not use them in its entire life, then the Aura will stay the same forever.

You, my Master, is someone like that. Your Magic Aura is not enough for big spells now. However, you have a special ability to gain Magic Aura. As you see in your palm, there is a petal of the Heaven Flower, or some people prefer to call it the Glowing Blossom. It is purely magical, that has a high density of unstable particles. When you were holding it, you were unknowingly absorbing its Magic Aura, a very large amount of them, compare to normal human. From my observation and calculation, your ability to gain Magic Aura is even comparable to that of a god! Spoiling: you are going to have a very bright future, my Master.

While you are asking yourself: why the hell I were absorbing Magic Aura if I did not use any magic? I did a little research about your type of aura and the way you absorbed that petal. The result is quite mysterious: you are able to absorb both Sea Aura and Fire Aura. There is absolutely no record of anyone that has two kind of opposite Auras inside them like you, except for the case of Selene Aglarus - a 19 years old lady who happens to have both Earth Aura and Air Aura. No one knows that except for her father, who is the Lord of Skythea. He tried to erase my knowledge about his daughter once but some how I still have her name and her address. You should totally meet her, she is cute and single.

Damn, I forgot to write the main point again. Alright, the main reason why you were able to absorb the petal is that you naturally used your Magic Aura to survive diving underwater and survive the hell fire of your Ceberus (Yes, your big husky dog is from a species called Ceberus), not to mention that you absorbed the entire fire blast from a Drakul six months ago and hibernated until three days ago to recover from the impact. Because your Magic Aura were still weak, you couldn't block that fire and lost your memories. At least you didn't die, or else I may have to wait for another 100 years for someone who is worthy to read me. "

Lenny stops reading and thinks in silence as he is still trying to comprehend the information he has just received from the book. Suddenly, from the least expected source, he learned many thing about himself for the past six months. That is not something that is easy to believe, especially when the person, or the thing that provided those information is always speaking in a joking sarcastic tone.

<to be continued>
The princess of Skythea - Selene Aglarus

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