Saturday, January 17, 2015

Chapter 2: The adventure begin (Part 4)


This land used to be the place where the most fearsome battle between the Light Half's army and the Hell Spawns took place. The human had failed and was crushed completely by the overwhelming power of the Hell Spawns, especially when they were having the surprise element on their claws. Many of his friends have fallen here with no proper burial. Their fleshes are here for the ravens to feast until nothing but bones left. Still, their terrified screams echoes on the wind until today.

They walked carefully around the decomposed bodies, avoid disturbing their sleep. Toduras picks up every swords and guns he could find, then puts them into a small pocket. "It's a bottomless pocket.", he said. Meanwhile, Lenny still tries to find his way to the crate where Joe was killed. It is the last place he could still remember before hibernated for six months straight.

Suddenly, Toduras yells: "Beware Mister Leonard, I feel endless evil from where you are heading to."

Lenny then recalls his last piece of memory, which is an image of a terrifying portal lies at the center of a crate where the evil shadows pour out endlessly. Lava streams around it as the fire burns every unfortunate creatures that fell within to ashes. The heat is even more intense than all his fire spell combined. If what grandma Mely said were right, then that image should be the Hell Gate, and it is located upon where Joe thought it was their base. Moreover, Lenny, Toduras and Dararia are very close to it.

"Me too, Master. The scent of evil is weakening my wings. I can't fly anymore in this state." Dararia quivers. Lenny has never seen her like that. He takes her on his hands, then put her on his shoulder. "Stay on my shoulder Dararia, I am sure my sword is laying somewhere near that big hole. We will get out of here when we get that, okay?"

"Okay" says Dararia, in her tired voice.

Toduras walks over, looks at them and says "I will go too. Better three of us than just two of you.".

Lenny thinks he is right, as he looks at his eyes and nods. The group then moves ahead to the direction Toduras felt evil lies. In this dark night, for every step they take, the gravity field becomes much stronger. They feel like their feet are getting heavier, to the point the earth under them starts to level down. Without strength enhancement by magic, there is noway a human could walk this near to the gate. Even though, Lenny still feels strange because he and Joe were running straight to the crate without any magic that day. There must be something different going on here.

"The reason why the gravity force here is getting stronger is the spell Stata used to close the gate. It is a graviton spell that seal the entire area surround it with earth force." Toduras explains to him, after seeing his friends struggled to stay on their feet.

"Can you cast Shadow Horse on us to make us lighter? I hate this gravity, aww" Dararia says her thoughts out loud.

"Sorry I can't. I would be too risky. The gate is a living thing, it can smell that spell and steal it to free itself." says Toduras.

"It's fine, we can still continue, quit complaining old bookie." Lenny mocks her, makes her grumpy again but can't fight back because her body can't move. Then Toduras points to the shimmering light a head, whispers "Look, there it is!"

Lenny immediately realizes that exact place where Joe were burned, and he himself got blown away. It still looks like before, in front of the huge crate. His eyes become red, as the memory of his best friend comes back more powerful than ever. But there is no time to grieve, they must search for the sword and leave here before the Gate realizes there are some intruders. At the bottom the the crate, the black, gigantic Gate is grunting in pain. Its faint sound can be heard in the dark if someone get close enough. However, that is also a death wish if that someone let it know its presence. Surround it lies countless of white bones of Hell Spawns who wandered near the Gate by mistake. Their souls were eaten alive along with their fleshes. It has no ally, nor foe. Its only purpose of existence is to feed with the souls of everything, living or dead. One tenth of the Hell Spawns who got out of its portal were consumed as a payment for their freedom. The legend said it only vowed to serve the Fallen One, but now its master is dead, no one or nothing can make it bows down again.

While Toduras and Lenny are carefully search on the ground for any sword that resemble what they are looking for, Dararia notices a shiny light peaks out from under the dirt. "Hey, I saw something there, check it out Master!", she points her paw to the shiny thing.

Toduras is nearer to it, so he swiftly digs it up, reveals a beautiful, but rusty sword. It is about three feet long, with some odd words carved on the side. Lenny immediately recognize his sword, which was given to him by his king for a reason he never knows. Toduras grabs the hilt and starts to pull it out of the dirt, but it doesn't move, no matter how hard he pulls. For the first time in his freezing life, Toduras feel sweat runs down his face.

"No one can hold it except me and the king. It was told to be a powerful relic of the ancient time. That is why I thought it would be worth this trip." Lenny explains to the exhausted Toduras with a calmly voice. Then he move forward, grabs the hilt with one hand and easily lift up the entire sword in front of Toduras's surprising face. "As you can see on the side of it, these are the ancient words. I don't know what they mean but I saw the same thing written on the cover of Dararia the first time I met her.", he points to the words.

Toduras takes a closer look at the words, and starts to speak, " These are the language of the Ice Giants of the ancient time. It says -Here sealed the might of Ophion. Only his bloodline can discover the truth-".

"Isn't Ophion the god who had slain The Fallen One?" Lenny asks him.

"Apparently yes. But I never knew what were written on my cover, are you sure you saw the same thing on my cover?" Dararia doubts her master, for this is the first time she has heard about such thing.

"I am very sure about that. The same notations I have been looking at for years in the military school." Lenny says.

"Hmmm, so how can you and your king can use one of Ophion's relics? Also, how did people in the Light Half get a hold of this relic in the first place?" Toduras states some questions he is not yet able to answer.

"I don't know. The king gave it to me after he met me in the military school. None of my other comrades got any thing from him so I was very proud of myself. More over, I feel most comfortable using this sword than any other sword." As he speaks, Lenny swings his sword and makes some slides on the air, impress Toduras.

"Hmm, That's strange. There must be some explanations on this." Toduras puts his hand to hold under the chin, while looks deeply to the sword, thinking.

However, while Toduras is busy striking for an explanation and Lenny is swinging his favorite sword on the air , they don't notice a change on Dararia. Her eyes start to glitter blue, and her wings can work again. She takes off from Lenny's shoulder much to his surprise.

"Hey Dararia, weren't you feeling tired just a minute ago?" he asks her, but she doesn't reply. Her eyes still glow, soullessly. She is now hovering in front of Lenny and Toduras.

"I am Ophion. OR part of him. I am pleased to know that you, my descendant are alive and well.", she says, in a majestic male voice.

This stunts both Toduras and Lenny, they never expected such things to happen. Dararia, their friend, is now speaking behalf of Ophion, the ancient god, and not be herself anymore.

"What the hell are you doing, Dararia?" Lenny shakes his face.

"Mister Lennard, it is not her." Toduras turns to him.

"Dararia is a part of my soul, son. I asked Dararie to create her to carry on my will after I died. Now, at this moment, you have fulfilled the task of collecting two of my relics. Therefore I took over her body to grant you your directions you need before I must fade away to join with my brothers and sisters on the Void of Time." Ophion speaks to them.

"By two relics, you meant Dararia and this sword?" Toduras asks him.

"Ahhh, the son of Kozuras, my great old friend. Please send him my blessings when you meet him again. Yes, I meant Dararia and this sword. My child here has found them himself, and started his long journey to find the rest of my relics until he can defeat the Fallen One once and for all." He speaks.

"I will send your words to my father, and I believe he would be very pleased to know that you are still here, on Terra." says Toduras. "However, you mentioned the Fallen One, who was slain by your might long ago, how could he still live?"

"Son of Kozuras, unlike the tales about my victory over The Fallen One, in reality, I failed to destroy him. Instead, me and the other gods had to seal him in the deepest pit of Hell. He since then has been vowed to revenge on Terra's creatures. Now, as his power are growing stronger every day, he can freely release himself from the seal and is wreaking havoc in the underworld. The army of Hell Spawns built by Mors are clashing with his army while we are continuing this conversation. Mors will not be able to hold him for long. Once he fall, the last frontier between this world and The Fallen One will be broken." Ophion speaks.

"Who is Mors?" Lenny utters.

"Mors is the Death God, the god and the ruler of Hell. He is Stata's father and people has been long suspected him for raising an army of demons and Hell Spawns in the underworld. We didn't know that his army was to fight again the Fallen One.." Toduras explains.

"It was a secret kept among gods. We want to give the races of Terra enough of peaceful time to grow until you can be strong enough to fight against him once and for all." Ophion continues his speech. "More over, my child, you and four other Neo-Gods are the hope of people, as you all received the might of us to carry on our fight with our more powerful than ever archenemy. The Fallen One has remembered his real name, given by the Creators themselves to the one and only Destroyer of Worlds. His name has been revealed by Sága to the people of this world long ago."

"CHAOS??? It can't be.." Toduras speaks his thoughts out loud, to the surprise of Lenny.

"Yes, his real name is Chaos, the Destroyer of World. His sole purpose is to destroy everything and turn everything back to the void, not to rule by violent as the tales once said." Ophion helps Toduras to clarify his worst fear, makes him fall on his knees.

"This can't be true, because if it is, Dakurtasia is in great danger. The Fallen One hates my father the most. Once he get pass Mors, Dakurtasia will be the next destination for his army to match to." His voice contains deep concern of his people.

Lenny looks at him, and says "Then we must hurry, Toduras. We will have to warn them so they will have a plan to counter this attack."

"You are right, mister Leonard. We must hurry." He says to Lenny.

"Yes, you must, my children. However, let me give you something that may help you on your journey." Ophion says, then Dararia's eyes start to glow brighter in front of Toduras and Lenny.

The sword in Lenny's hands then pull itself out of his owner's palm, and float in front of him. The rust on its blade starts to fade out, so do the words on the side. Its shape is taking a drastic change, from a beautiful, majestic sword into a more fearsome, more elegant, but somewhat extraordinary one. Lenny quickly recognizes it as the sword his statue was holding in Toduras's vision, but Toduras recognizes a different thing,

"That is... is the Lightbringer! Mister Leonard, you were holding the legendary Lightbringer these entire time!" he utters in tears. These are the tears of happiness when a blacksmith sees for his own eyes the masterpiece of all weapon creations.

"The.. lengedary Lightbringer you ..and Dararia told... me about earlier?" Lenny stutters.

<To be continued>

Mors fighting against Chaos Army

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