Sunday, January 11, 2015

Chapter 2: The adventure begin (Part 3)

The Fallen One and the Axe Of Destruction


"Who is he? He seem to be a famous person." Lenny asks.

"He is the one who forged the Lightbringer, the sword that put down the Fallen One.", she says.

Lenny scratchs his head, "To be honest, I barely understand what you two are talking about. Fallen One? Lightbringer? Wars?"

Dararia looks at him, then explains and Lenny listens to her carefully, "umm. I forgot to teach you some history of this land. Here we go... Ten thousands years ago, there is no Dark Half or Light Half. The world was populated by the human and their flourishing civilization. They had big cities everywhere on the surface of Terra, powered by their advance technologies and industrial developments. The legend said, they even explored the space outside of this world in the hope of finding other worlds or civilizations out there. However, they didn't know that what they wanted to find was already within Terra itself, and they shouldn't discover it. But they did. There were many regions and beliefs among mankind at that time, and with the stubborn nature of man, conflicts arised. They started out with small conflicts then came to a total, destructive war that later brought apocalypse upon their civilization. Their weapons were designed to not just destroying their enemies, but themselves too. Life faded out of Terra surface, as there was no longer a mean for anything to survive on a toxic surface anymore, people had to dig to the ground beneath. However, they dug too deep. The survivors of mankind found something that was meant to be left alone, as it is the seal of all evil, a portal to another world. It was hidden by the Creators of this world, so mankind would never find it."

Toduras continues her story, "...yet they found it, and opened it out of curiosity. The evils lies within the other world then poured into their home like flood, and there was nothing humankind can do to stop them. Men was on the brink of  extinction, so is everything else in our world. There seemed to be no hope left, until the Creators finally decided to interfere to change the fate of mankind. They were always watching over this world, and the opening of that portal made them no longer to just sit and observe anymore. They sent their twelve children to Terra to help mankind fought against the evil. Their leader, Maasai, was the most powerful of all, has restored life on the surface so men can be able to walk on it again, and gathered them under one flag. He and other children of the Creators then led them to battle, defeated the evils and even match into their world, conquered them. However, that was against the wish of the Creators, as they only wanted their children to maintain balance of the mortal worlds, not destroying it. Their children did not listen to them, which angered them to the point that they wished to never see their children again, then closed the door to their home. The children of the Creator had no other choice but to stay with men even after they had done their deed. Men called them Gods, as we know it. Maasai was exhausted after the war, so he decided to rest in the evil world, and called it Hell. He became the first god of Hell and banished all living creatures out of that world, then sealed the portal away. However, there was something in Hell that had entered our world within the first opening of the portal, it is magic. There is noway for even the gods to put magic back into Hell, so they taught mankind how to utilize it... " He then pauses to grab a drink from Dararia and let her continues the story.

"...yes, the god taught people to use magic, but not everyone wanted to learn. Mankind has long relied on their technologies, they refused to believe in things that they can not explain. Their leaders asked the gods to leave and return the land to them, which deeply hurt their feeling. Legend said that they then created a great invisible wall on the seas, separate Terra into two parts, one with magic, and one without it, that was how the Dark Half and the Light Half were created. Only men who believes in magic were allowed to move into the Dark Half. The invisible wall is actually a region on the sea, in which hungry monsters and unpredicted weather anomaly make it impossible for men to cross. Magic is also trapped in the Dark Half, because the other half doesn't need it. Since then, history of men was split into two different paths, unknown to each other. The gods then created many other creatures to help men to rebuild their civilization, including the Ice Giants of the north, the Phoenixes of the south, the Mermaids of the West and the Elvens of the east. For two thousands years, they all lived in peace and harmony under the rule of the gods until the portal to Hell was opened again. An army of Hell Spawns matched into the Dark Half, but they were more organized than the two thousands year prior. They had a new leader, who is called the Fallen One. The Fallen One was also a child of the Creators, in fact, he was the first child of the Creators, no one knows his real name, even him had forgotten it long ago. He was sent to Hell world right after the Creators created him because of his ambition to rule everything by violence, and that suits the nature of Hell. Upon matching his army into Terra, he sent a finger of Maasai to the gods, declared that Maasai had been slain, and he would then aim for the others, thus started the War of The Fallen One. Mankind, Ice Giants, Elvens, Mermaid were all participated in the war to protect their land.  Together, they were able to push the force of the Fallen One back to the region of Abbardu, where he fortified to become his base to attack the other regions. However, upon the power of the Allies of human and other races, he knew that he cannot win the war without breaking their trust. The Fallen One knew the the greedy nature of the human, and used it to serve his purpose. He deceived the human leaders into believing that they will be ranked among gods if they follow him and destroy the other gods. His snake tongue soon poisoned the minds of half the human army, led them against the other races and the ones who follow the gods. They used the weapons provided by the Ice Giants to attack the Ice Giants, killed many of them, drove them into extinction. Luckily, Tod here told us that it wasn't entirely true, and the Ice Giant survived."

"Tod?" Toduras utters.

Lenny giggles, "Looks like you got a new name from her foul mouth."

"Foul mouth? Master, do you want me to tear your tongue into ten thousands parts??? And yeah, Tod, I like to call you icy face that way, is there any problem?" Her bullet eyes point to Toduras, startle him.

"Oh no no, it is fine by me, lady fairy dragon.", he tries to avoid the trouble, but still adds a comment after, "you are really a strange couple of magic companion and master."

"Don't worry Toduras, she likes to speak like that, but she never be able to harm anyone with that little body of her. Ouch!", Dararia smashes him on his head.

"Yeah, feel that? Now you can stop complaining about me and listen to the rest of the story already!"

He embraces his head and hisses, "okay, please continue you grumpy book.", this time it is Toduras's turn to giggle, but he does not dare to say anything.

"That will teach you a lesson. Now listen carefully here. Hmm, where was I?" She pauses a second then continues, "Ahhh. The Ice Giant empire was annihilated by the treachery human, and their leader, Kozuras of the North was captured. He was known as the greatest blacksmith of this world, so the Fallen One thought he could be valuable to him. He gave Kozuras a large piece of Orihalconium metal, which is a magical metal that was sent to Terra as the vessel of the gods. It has the ability to protect the them from harming during their trip to our world. Even Adamantium is not as hard has that kind of metal, and beside the gods, no one else can hold them on their hands. The Fallen One ordered Kozuras to forge it into a powerful weapon for him, so he can use it to defeat other gods. However, Kozuras, who is loyal to the good gods, only used half of that precious metal to make the Axe Of Destruction and gave it to the Fallen One. With the material left, he then made the Lightbringer, or the sword of light, and secretly gave it to Ophion - Maasai's younger brother, god of the ocean - as he was the only god who's water power rival that fire power of the Fallen One. Ophion then led the last of the Allies to Abbardu, where they confront the evil god once and for all. With the mighty Lightbringer, Ophion managed to slain the Fallen One to revenge his brother, but he and other gods were also injured badly after the fierce battle. Afraid that the human might take that chance to overthrow them, they fled to unknown lands and hid away. Many years later, when mankind had almost healed from the war, some powerful people appeared one by one, claimed to be sons and daughters of the gods, came back to claim their influence. They are now known as the Lords. One of them, Sága, the lord of wisdom, who interestingly has the same power to see the future as our Tod here has given us the prophecy of Chaos before disappeared entirely. Some says that her vision was too terrible that she couldn't bear it anymore and killed herself. But that's what people said, perhaps Tod can tell us more about it." Both she and Lenny turn to Toduras at the same time, wait for his answer.

He then laughs out loud, "Haha, that's not true, lady Dragon Fairy. She actually fell in love with my father, and moved to Dakurtasia to live with him as husband and wife. Dakurtasia is a place hidden away from the eyes of men, so that is why no one knows she's there. I am their only son.", he speaks proudly.

"I knew it, so Sága is still alive. I am her biggest fan ever. Master Dararie created me out of her inspiration! Master Leonard, can we travel to Dakurtasia to meet Tod's mom? I have so many questions to ask her!!" she turns back to Lenny.

"Hey, don't ask me. I don't even know where that is. Also I am only interested  in going back to the Light Half. So if you want, you can go there alone.", he coldly responses.

"You ungrateful master. If I can go there alone then I wouldn't ask!!" she is getting angry.

Seeing the duo is about to fight again, Toduras interrupts them politely,
"Ha ha ha, please don't fight about that. Mister Leonard, if you want to cross the Invisible Wall, you should pay my father a visit. We have collected some sunken metal ships from the people of the Light Half to study their secret of travelling through the Invisible Wall without the bless of Leviathan. They may be the invaders, but their technologies are quite impressive. My father thought that if we can utilize those technology, we will gain an upper hand in the incoming war. Beside, after the death of Leviathan, there is no other way to cross the Invisible Wall anymore, especially when the six legendary sea monsters are still rampaging the ocean out there."

"See? We WILL visit Tod's mom, master. This can't be decided other way!!" Dararia ups her nose.

"Hmm. Alright, looks like I don't have any other choice. Thank you Toduras, for being so nice to me. Is it possible for us to join you after tomorrow? Because I need to say goodbye to grandma. She helped me so much. If it wasn't her help, I wouldn't be here speaking with any of you.", he speaks in a grateful tone.

"It's fine by me, Mister Leonard. I am glad that I can help. Also I am still not done with gathering Adamantium scales of that monster your defeated in the city. So we will have to wait for another day until I am able to go." Toduras shows his big, creepy smile.

Lenny and Dararia looks at each other in silence, they feel bad for AAPEP. That poor creature is not going to have any scale left soon, given Toduras's enormous arms and hands.

"Oh right, are you about to cross this swamp?" Toduras reminds them of their initial intention.

"We can't find any way to get pass. There are countless of things lurking under the water, we can't just swim over it." He explains their situation to him.

"Don't worry Mister Leonard, since I am about to cross this swamp too, why don't we go together?" He smiles generously.

"That's certainly cool. Thank you very much Toduras. But how exactly are you going to do it?"

"Okay, lets go!" He smiles and stand up, ignore Lenny's question.

Toduras then promptly walk to the rear of the swamp while Lenny and Dararia look at him with doubtful eyes. He says something to the wind, and three shadow clouds appears in front of them.

"They are the Shadow Horses, my own spells of transportation. If you walk inside it, your body will be as light as a feather and nobody can see you in this thick and dark fog. With them, we can walk over this swamp to the other side." He smiles and explains calmly. "I will wait for you on the other side", Toduras walks in one of the cloud, bends himself to the color of the environment then fade away, while Lenny and Dararia still look at it in awe.

The duo then reluctantly move inside their clouds, with the bigger one for Lenny and the smaller one for Dararia. Inside it, they can not feel their weight anymore, instead, they feel like they become one with the wind. Lenny has never run that fast in his life without spending any effort. They literally walk on water, as it has became concrete hard. Lenny can sense the presences of many monsters beneath the water or around the trees but they seem to not detect them at all. After a while, they hear a voice from their left.

"Mister Leonard, how is it?", Toduras asks while running in parallel with the duo.

"Thank you Toduras, it feels great. It feels like flying now!" He responses.

"I am glad that I can help, haha", Lenny can hear his loud laugh.

"By the way, why do you want to cross this swamp?" Lenny ask him.

"I've heard that there are many metals left in the graveyard. So I think I could go there and take them back to my kingdom." his voice raises again.

"That sounds interesting, because we are going there too, for my sword. I left it there when I was unconscious after the gate to Hell opened and wiped my platoon." He says loudly, afraid that the howling wind would make it hard for Toduras to hear.

"Oh, So you were with the invasion army? You surely have a very interesting background sir. Son of Leviathan and Stata, who then came back to his origin land with a huge army backing him up. That's awesome!" His voice is getting excited.

"You have heard my conversation with ATPIT, right? No, I am not the son of Leviathan and Stata. He has just mistaken me with someone else. Dararia also said that I am not born by normal mean, so I don't even know who I am now. That's why I wanted to travel to the Light Half and maybe I can find some answers for me there." He explains loudly.

"I believe his name is AAPEP, Mister Leonard. I saw the name on its belt, which is also made of Adamantium so..."

"... so you took that also? ohhh poor AAPEP ohhhh", Dararia giggles on the wind.

"yes. It is better in our hands than theirs, I think. Also, Mister Leonard, my mother can look into the past of people, so maybe she can help you to find the truth in case you can not cross the ocean." The howling wind doesn't block his words at all.

"Really? That's the best thing I have heard today, right, Dararia?", Lenny shouts to the wind.

"Yeah, another reason to meet my childhood's idol! Oh Sága I love youuuuuuuu!" Lenny can hear she is screaming.

The other side of the swamp starts to be visible to their eyes. Soon, they run to it and do not stop. The group keeps running toward the graveyard. Lenny starts to remember its familiar smell, the disgusting smell of dead bodies that violently rubbed into his nose when he woke up here three months ago.

<to be continued>
Ophion with the Lightbringer

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