Monday, January 26, 2015

Chapter 2: The adventure begin (Part 5)


"Yes, this is definitely it, the sword that was born in the flame of Abbardu's mightiest volcano, is purely heavenly metal. My father used to tell me about its glories, and this is undoubtedly the Lightbringer." Toduras says.

Lenny grabs the sword's hilt, expecting to feel some thing strange and awesome. However, much to his disappointment, it is still the same as before, not lighter, nor filled with magic nor anything else.

"This is still my sword. I can't see anything different here except for its shape." He says.

"My child, this sword itself does not make a legendary weapon. You must engage a powerful enemy with it and by faith, it will show its true might. Weapons can only find themselves worthy in war.", light continues to glitter from Dararia eyes, as she is speaking on behalf of Ophion.

Lenny looks at the sword again, then turns to Ophion, with fire in his eyes, and says "Great Ophion, I don't seek for war, nor welcome it. My fate brought me here in this land by war, laid waste to countless of good people's life. I seek peace only, and the answer of my origin. But if I may have to use this sword again in battles for the good of people, or to stop these meaningless wars, then war I shall come to. Hope that the end of Chaos will also be the end of this blade and all other deadly tools we have."

"Very well my child, if your good heart desires peace, not glories, then this sword of light will lead you to the right path. Your enemies will be broken wherever you place your footsteps on. For now, I must bid you farewell and join my high father on his table. But worry not, I will always watching after you and all of other Neo-gods, for they are the last hope of this world and the grimiest days have yet to come." Ophion says, then before Lenny could do anything, his soul departed, leaving Dararia sitting confused on the ground, after a glittering light streamed to the stars.

"What just happened? I feel so dizzy.." She speaks, as Lenny picks her up to his shoulder again.

"I will tell you later, Dararia, but now we must flee from this place. The gate has detected us already." He says.

The gate was alerted by the light of Ophion departing, so it starts to cry out many weird spells that even Dararia cannot understand. The ground shakes violently, as many things emerge from it. They then revealed to be the lifeless rotting bodies of many fallen creatures that was consumed by the Gate. They are moving like puppets on strings, as the Gate is controlling them to get to its preys.

The trio runs fast, breaks through countless rings of those monster, desperately trying to get away. They keep standing up after being struck down by Lenny and Toduras, for they are already dead and nothing can kill the dead. The heavenly light of the Lightbringer continuously flashing through the rotten flesh of the summoned, leads Lenny and his companions nearer to the swamp. Even if they are outnumbered, Lenny and Toduras are not normal warriors so they have little to fear. Toduras with his devastate punches throw many monsters back to the gate like the winds blowing leafs. His icy breath frozen the ones that escaped his punches, making enough obstacles to slow down their hosts. At the rear of the swamp, deems that it is far enough from the Gate, he throws his Shadow Horses on Lenny and Dararia, so all of them escape to the ruin city right before the confused eyes of the dead puppets.

When there is no more danger chasing them, they stop to discuss about the next thing to do.

"I would want to come back and say goodbye to grandma Mely, but we do not have time. The people of Dakurtasia must be warned before Mors falls. " Lenny says.

"But she doesn't know about the danger coming from the Gate neither. If we don't warn her, she may come here looking for us and risking her life meeting the Fallen One." Dararia speaks her thought.

"You are right. Therefore, Dararia, you must come back to her and tell her everything we know and tell her to go to the south, where the cities of the human still stand. They also must be warned. We don't know for sure where the army of Chaos will attack next. The herd of dragons immigrating to the south later tomorrow will be a good transportation mean for all of you."

"How about you?" She asks him.

"I must go with Toduras, for I am the only one who can wield the Lightbringer, and if anyone will have to face Chaos, it will be me. If I live, we will meet again", Lenny speaks firmly.

Dararia doesn't want to part him, but there is no other choice, so she cries his name while Lenny and Toduras figures fade away in the darkness. She knows that her chance of reuniting with her young master is as little as the life left in this land. Now, the fate of the southern cities are lying on her little wings, as if she and the grandma cannot warn them on time, the war will start before their lords have their best preparation.

This is the end of Lenny's first adventure. While he and Toduras are rushing back to Dakurtasia and Dararia is telling grandma Mely to warn the lords of the south, another story has already started in a very far place to the west of the Dark Half.

<To be continued>
Chapter 3: Selene Aglarus (Part 1)

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